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We hope that these pages will give you a glimpse into our community. Ask the members of the Christian Church of Arlington Heights to describe the church in three words, and you will get answers like "Warm, Caring, Giving," or "Compassionate, Generous, and Christ-centered". You'll also hear the word "Family" used again and again and again.​ Ask the members about moments when they've been proud to be part of our church, and they will describe for you times when they have worked together to meet a need in the community, such as our Night Ministry team putting together sandwiches and soup to take into Chicago.​ You'll hear stories, too, of moments when this congregation has supported each other through hard times by sending cards to those who were in the hospital, as well as meals to those who were grieving. Sometimes our support is through simply showing up with a smile and story. You will hear examples of ways that we seek to be connected and relevant to the community and the world around us such as our giving to Week of Compassion (our denomination's relief, refugee, and development mission fund), our collections for the local food pantry, or our conversations about current events.​ Ask our members what they have to say to you, and hear, quite simply: You are welcome in this place. ​​
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