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Church Life

We support each other and the community at large through our church activities.


Our Worship service provides an opportunity to be closer to God and to celebrate our love for Jesus.  As is traditional in the Disciples of Christ denomination, we celebrate Holy Communion at every service. All are welcome at our table.




The choir meets to practice each Sunday after Worship and Fellowship. While there are many talented musicians in the congregation, there are also plenty of us who come to choir simply to make a joyful noise, and practice is a joyful time, too. Everyone — whatever your skill level — is welcome.


Adults Coming Together (ACT)

ACT, our fellowship group for young adults, meets one Friday evening a month for food and fellowship. Sometimes we spend a portion of the evening in deep conversation about religion, spirituality, and the meaning of faith, and sometimes we spend it beating each other at mind-teasers or board games. We conclude each meeting with prayer.

5th Sunday

When a month has Five Sundays ... we devote the 5th Sunday to service projects.  We begin with a brief worship service, then adjourn to Jordan Hall for a variety of activities from preparing trail mix for The Night Ministry to labeling coin holders for Feed My Starving Children to making blankets for the homeless and cage pads for an animal humane group.  All are welcome to join us and we often have outside groups involved. 

Men's Fellowship

The men of our congregation gather for breakfast at Elly's on the third Saturday of each month. Some people order the same thing each month, while others mix it up. Either way, the food is delicious and a good time is had by all.

Book Club

The church book club meets on the third Friday of every month to discuss works of fiction.  The group has read and discussed such books as: "Still Alice" by Lisa Genova, "The Paris Architect" by Charles Belfoure, "Dreamers of the Day" by Mary Doria Russell. and “Grace Without God” by Katherine Ozment. If yoou would like more information on the bookclub, one of the members, Irvana Wilks, has a blog on her website. at the following link: 



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  • Adult Sunday School 

    •             Starts at 9:15 am

    •             Located in the Gathering Room

  • Youth Sunday School

    •             Starts at 9:30 am

    •             Located in the Sunday School Room

  • Teen Sunday School

    • Starts at 9:30AM​

    • Located in the Teen Sunday School Room



Rachel - Rebekah Circle

The Rachel-Rebekah Circle, our women's fellowship group, meets on the third Thursday of every month to eat lunch, to talk together, and to sign cards for our sick and home-bound members. This group also organizes several service projects throughout the year, including a mitten drive at Christmas, and Easter basket collections and blanket Sunday in the spring.


Our yoga group gathers on Wednesday evenings before choir practice at 6pm for easy to moderate yoga stretches and breathing. Any donations given for the class go to suicide prevention.

PADS Summer Dinners

Serving meals for the homeless in the northwest suburbs

Special Events

CCAH choir members often take their talents to places like Luther Home, a pads shelter in Arlington Heights, the Night Ministry. Joining our voices together makes for special moments.

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