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Our Worship service provides an opportunity to be closer to God and to celebrate our love for Jesus.  As is traditional in the Disciples of Christ denomination, we celebrate Holy Communion at every servie


Sunday School 


Adult Sunday School

9:15 am - Gathering Room


Youth Sunday School

9:30 - Sunday School Room



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The choir meets to practice each Sunday after Worship and Fellowship. While there are many talented musicians in the congregation, there are also plenty of us who come to choir simply to make a joyful noise, and practice is a joyful time, too. Everyone — whatever your skill level — is welcome.



Rachel - Rebekah Circle

The Rachel-Rebekah Circle, our women's fellowship group organizes several service projects throughout the year, including a mitten drive at Christmas, and Easter basket collections and blanket Sunday in the spring.

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Men's Fellowship

The men of our congregation gather for breakfast once a month. Some people order the same thing each month, while others mix it up. Either way, the food is delicious and a good time is had by all.  If you are interested in joining please contact the church office for upcoming dates.

Book Club

The church book club meets on the third Friday of every month to discuss works of fiction.  The group has read and discussed such books as: "Still Alice" by Lisa Genova, "The Paris Architect" by Charles Belfoure, "Dreamers of the Day" by Mary Doria Russell and “Grace Without God” by Katherine Ozment. If you would like more information on the bookclub, one of the members, Irvana Wilks, has a blog on her website at the following link: 


Our yoga group gathers on Wednesday evenings via zoom for easy to moderate yoga stretches and breathing. Any donations given for the class go to suicide prevention.  If you are interested in joining please contact the church office.

5th Sunday

In 2015 Christian Church of Arlington Heights launched Fifth-Sunday Services— a new opportunity to connect worship with service, to translate our words into deeds.  Whenever five Sundays occur within a month (approximately four times a year), the fifth Sunday begins with a brief worship service in the Sanctuary, followed by hands-on mission projects.  These special services are coordinated by members of the Worship Team and Outreach Team.  If you have ideas for future Fifth-Sunday Service projects, please share your suggestions with either team!

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